For my English class I had evaluated the pro's and con's of J.K. Rowling publishing more works pertaining to the Harry Potter series. As a fan and admirer of her works, I strongly believe she should continue adding to this series to not only satisfy fans but the other benefits that will come along with the new works that is explained below.
the Magic Should Continue
Trends come and go, but the Harry Potter series is an ongoing, worldwide phenomenon. More than 400 million books have been sold, eight movies have been made, and even theme parks have been created to give an individual the experience of “becoming a wizard”. The magic began when J.K. Rowling was very poor and roaming the street. One day she had an idea, while on a train, which would change everyone’s lives forever. After consulting with 13 different publishers, the books finally found their way onto the shelves, and ten short years later, the series had ended. Since that point, J.K. Rowling has only published very small books pertaining to Harry Potter, but had never satisfied her fans wishes of writing a continuation of the series. If she continued the story she could touch upon so many elements that were left unexplained in the novels, satisfy many fans following the series since day one, and even generate money for charities across the world with unneeded profits. Harry Potter is one of the most successful series of all time that, fortunately, has so much information that hasn’t been touched upon. All seven books have received praise from fans and critics but nowadays, fans are craving more. Throughout the novels, characters touch upon the first wizard war when Lord Voldemort, the Dark Lord, gathered followers and fought for power. This event was, for the most part, left in the dark and leaves an open door for possible storylines. In addition, the last book had firmly ended the series with Harry and his wife, Ginny, leading their children onto Platform 9. Although this is the happy ending readers wanted, we now really want to know what happens with their kids. These are just some ideas that have undoubtedly crossed Rowling’s mind and are very good reasons for her to pick up the pencil and start putting a plot together. From an educational standpoint, Harry Potter was very beneficial to people trying to read in general. Not only was the series pure eye candy, but readers started to begin looking at other novels after the series had ended. Readers who weren’t exposed to this phenomenon early (since this series was intended for children) didn’t have any type of reading that people were raving about. This is shown in the article, The Power of Potter, as Hallett states that, “the number of 17-year-olds who reported never or hardly ever reading for fun rose from 9 percent in 1984 to 19 percent in 2004.” Showing that these statistics display that if a person isn’t targeted at a young age, they will most likely never experience the joy of reading. Hallett then later states that, “59 percent of U.K. kids think the books have improved their reading skills and 48 percent say the books are why they read more.” Although everyone knows that any fan who followed Harry Potter wouldn’t mind another book here or there, these books have statistically shown to improve the way those of adolescence look at literature in general. And with that being said, these books may be the key to hopefully preserving past literature and paving the future for it. The Harry potter series had, in total, sold over 400 million copies, making J.K. Rowling a very wealthy woman. After the series had finished she had produced three short story books that were related to the world of Harry Potter. In the article, J.K. Rowling's charity giving knocks her off Forbes' billionaires list, by Michael d’Estries, Rowling states “You have a moral responsibility when you’ve been given far more than you need, to do wise things with it and give intelligently” and with this being said, she had written "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, Quidditch Through the Ages and The Tales of Beedle the Bard [which] have raised almost $30 million for various initiatives.” (d’Estries) This action by Rowling puts Harry Potter on a new pedestal of philanthropy and gives new possible reasons for publishing more related works. Rowling has millions upon millions of dollars and realizes that she doesn’t need all of it so she donates it to charity. If she decided to publish another Harry Potter novel, the sales would be through the roof and the money could be put towards charities, of her choice, across the world. Doing this would not only give readers what they want but would also help people that need the money most. This would give Harry Potter a bigger purpose in the world other than satisfying readers and even if the book wasn’t up to par, Rowling would be doing what she could to help those who need it most. Harry Potter has shown to have amazing positive effects other than just satisfying readers wants. There are so many reasons as to why Rowling should continue the story and there are so many great ideas that the books could be used for. Whether or not she chooses to continue the magic, Harry Potter has already made such and impact on the world that without more publications, the series will live on forever. Although, in the meantime, all anyone can do is wait eagerly at the edge of his or her seat to hear any news of what she decides to do with the mysterious wizarding world.
the Magic Shouldn’t Continue
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