
Dear Ms. Rowling,

I have been an admirer of the Harry Potter series ever since the first movie had premiered in theaters.  But like many others, I miss having something to look forward to.  I remember standing on long lines waiting to see the newest movie or staring out of my living room window just waiting for the mail man to deliver the highly anticipated final books. 

 I know that you have had very solid closure with the series and want to explore other genres, but you always talk about how much you enjoyed entering your own world when you worked on the Harry Potter series. The series had a tremendous impact on readers on the fence of trying other novels and writing more books in the same vein would surely only contribute further to fostering a love of reading that our current culture so badly lacks.

Your books, and the movies made from your books, were some of the most successful of their kind of all time.  The series had ended on such a good note, but during the series run, Harry wasn’t only defeating dark wizards, but was combating the declining literacy rates around the world.  Articles all over the internet were talking about how much the literacy rate had gone down but Harry’s adventure made such an impact on readers that many of them have given thought to reading the other adventures books have to offer.  On the Leaky Cauldron website, Colin Harrison stated that, “Almost six out of ten children (59 percent) think the books have helped them improve their reading skills. And 48 percent say Rowling’s creation is the reason they read more.” Showing the incomparable impact the series had and how adding to the Potter universe could add onto these statistics and make such a huge impact on the world.

 On top of your book’s amazing impact on education, you always talk about how when someone has more then they need, it is their responsibility to help those who aren’t as fortunate.  If you decided to create more books, an idea could be that some of the profits could go to you and others who helped, of course, but mainly to charities of your choice.  This was something I have respected about you when you had decided to donate the profits from some of your other smaller works.  There are bigger things in life than just satisfying people’s wants and unfortunately most people don’t realize that, but you have shown that you do.

Of course helping others who need it is a main priority, Harry Potter is nothing without its fans.  After the series had ended, there was an accumulation of 28 things that happened after the Harry Potter series had ended on the internet.  As a fan myself, I know that although the series had a good run, I never want the story to end.  Especially when there is so much that can be written about to keep people in awe.

Harry Potter has and always will be a bigger part of the world than people realize.  Your books are unlike anything most people will ever read.  Its originality is something that will always have fans wanting more.  I’m in no position to lecture you and (all emotional ties to the series aside) it’s just hard to watch someone who has had an idea that changed the world and not continue to work with it.  Hopefully you will make more books that will not only satisfy fan’s needs, but some of the basic needs that people take for granted.


Daniel Hartman

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